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The Move of a Lifetime - Is It Time?

When you know, you know

The idea of making a sea change move and leaving behind familiar surroundings to start a new life abroad is exhilarating yet daunting. You’ve probably daydreamed about it, especially during those rough days at work. But how do you know when it’s the right time to turn that daydream into reality?

Having second thoughts

Others’ opinions
Something to be aware of is that not everyone will believe in you, encourage you, or stand by your choices. But keep in mind that people often fear what they don't comprehend. From a young age, We’re taught to chase certain ideals. A stable job, regular income, suburban home, conventional family set-up. But whose life are you really living? Theirs or yours? You don’t need to fit into other people’s opinion of the perfect box. You are an individual and you are on your own journey, fulfilling your own, individual purpose in life. When it comes down to it, those that love you just want to see you happy. They may not be able to comprehend right now how you leaving your current lifestyle will do that for you, but they’re sure to come around when they do see your happiness in your new destination.

It’s important to find a community of like-minded individuals who can encourage you as you plan your sea change. I strongly believe that there are many out there like us, who are craving a change and a peaceful, purposeful life. The only reason we may not have met them is because we might still be running in the same circles, with the same type of people, and wondering why the outcome isn't different. Broadening your search and reaching out to others – whether online or from travel – is the best way to connect with like-minded individuals who inspire.

Your decision
There’s no doubt there will be discomfort initially. But if you wanted comfort, familiarity and boredom, You have the option to stay exactly where you are, or go towards adventure, facing the unknown, and creating new experiences. During this period of uncertainty, try not to tell too many people (Personally, I’ve revealed my plans to only a select few supportive friends). 

While it's important to consider others' advice, it’s important to remember that the final decision is yours alone. If you start feeling overwhelmed by too many opinions, it's fine to step back and shift the conversation to something else. Ultimately, figuring out what’s right for you is something you should do alone.

Personal and professional readiness

Practical considerations play a role in the decision to move. Financial stability and career opportunities factor into the decision.

Just some things to consider during the planning stages of your move:
What point of your career are you in? Are you able to take a break or would you have to look at starting afresh in a new location? Do you have the financial cushion to support a move and the transition period that follows?

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When you decide to go...

Don’t take past baggage with you. Let go and release all the things that aren’t serving you. It’s your chance to make better decisions and bring a better version of yourself to new relationships and friendships.

The perfect time is right now. Why do we have to wait unit retirement to have a peaceful life? Why can’t we incorporate that serenity into our lives right now and become better versions of ourselves?

Stay focused and committed to your goals. Regularly remind yourself of the motivations behind your decision to make this change and believe in your ability to succeed. At the end of the day, no-one can tell you when the time is right for you. It’s a deeply personal decision that requires introspection. If you’ve been weighing the pros and cons and listening to your inner voice, and you feel that pull towards a new chapter in your life, it might be a good a time as any to take the plunge.

Trusting your instincts is key to knowing when the time is right.

Go for it! Get ready by doing as much research and preparation as possible while you're still in your home country. This will help ease the stress of such a major transition. Trusting your instincts is key to knowing when the time is right to take that leap into the unknown.

If you’re in a similar situation, feel free to get in touch and let’s talk!